
Add A Highlighter

On plans there are normally Floor Key Notes, Finish Key Notes, and other areas that we should be able to highlight. Could we get a highlighter add to tools.  

I have done this by just adding a product and making it yellow and naming it important information.  Only problem is I have to delete all those areas before I go to create a bid or push my products to order.  



  • Good Idea. Yes please!

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  • We submitted this which is approved and in the process of being completed, it'll answer your needs I am sure.

    It would be fantastic to be able to select a background colour when placing a text box on a drawing. This would help to highlight important comments and/or information.

    I only know how I use the reports etc. and sometimes I would prefer to have a simple white background for my text boxes, so they don't get so lost in the diagram, but if I could have a choice of colours I could illustrate different levels of importance, or tie a comment in with a product or service. I think this would also give the sales and installation teams additional help when it comes to "seeing" the details that we believe are crucial and essential to a successful project. It may help if the text box had a definitive, optional outline as well.

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  • I like that idea

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  • I like the idea of the text boxes but im just talking about a highlight.  Something that shows up on prints but has no affect on the bid itself.  The text boxes one some plans may not have enough room to spell out what you want, but if the prints already have the direction, we should just be able to highlight it. 

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  • Yep, gotcha. :-)

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  • We have heard the requests for highlighters, circles, ovals, cloud bubbles, etc. and you’ll be seeing it very soon in a Measure update.   If any of you want to get on our Beta program to get the releases before they roll out to everyone, please email and specify you want to be included on the Measure Premier beta releases.  You’ll love what you’ll see.

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