Customize Keyboard Shortcuts

Please implement a way to bind keyboard shortcuts to tools. The developer tool that did this prior to its unfortunate removal was a huge help, and increased productivity immensely.



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  • I'm aware of the current supported shortcuts, but please re-implement a way to customize them. 

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  • This is not a way to customize the available shortcuts, but is a way to use the available shortcuts much easier.  I use a Razer Tartarus which is a sort of like a small keyboard with fully customizable keys.  It allows me to bind multiple key presses into one.  For example SHIFT + CTRL + C (close room shortcut) is just pressing one key instead of all three for a normal keyboard.


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  • Thats a good idea Jeff. Im gonna look into that.

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  • Bring this back:

    This is the menu that used to pop up when you would right click on an action. The "customize" tab would let you assign a hotkey/keyboard shortcut to the action. Helped speed up commercial bids a ton.

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  • So frustrating when you use something as part of your "toolbox" and then somebody takes it away! I am used to what I do, and this does not affect me but I can totally understand why you want it back.

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