Resolution lag

Is there any way to fix the resolution lag, without having to convert the PDF to rasterized image or reduce the pixel size



  • Official comment

    Hi Matt,

    This is something we've addressed by adding the option to utilize what are known as "metafiles". Enabling metafiles improves performance related to non-rasterized images at the cost of requiring more system resources.

    Please make sure you're running the latest version of Measure and enable this feature by going to File > Measure Options > Drawing and checking the "Use metafiles..." box in the lower-right corner. As long as the workstation has adequate system resources, resolution times while panning and zooming should be dramatically reduced.


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  • Justin,

    I don't find the "Use metafiles..." in the Drawing window.

    What am I missing?


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  • Hi Steve,

    I double-checked this and it turns out the Metafiles feature was added just after our last public release of Measure. We do have an on-demand version, however, that we offer to users on an as-needed basis to address specific issues. I'm going to send you a link to install it and let's see if the new feature improves performance for you.

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