
selecting rooms from quick rooms

All of a sudden the program has changed!!! I have always been able to select from Quick-Rooms and place them where I want them in the floorplan, and now it places the room in the top right corner and I have to drag it into place.This is frustrating to the extreme especially when working with a large drawing where you have to zoom in and out just to get to the position to retrieve the room! How can I correct this?

PS...… It has long been a pet peeve that the same thing applies to selecting clip-art! I feel that I should be able to go into the clip-art and select multiple items before returning to the drawing, or at the very least place it on the drawing the way I have always done with quick-rooms Is there a way to accomplish this as well?





1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hi JD,

    There was a bug prior to Measure build 3422 where Quick Rooms could exhibit the behavior you're describing. That should be corrected in more recent builds but there is certainly the possibility it has returned.

    Please look in the lower left corner of the Measure drawing screen and confirm that your build number is greater than 3422. If it isn't, be sure to download and install the latest public build here: If you are on a newer build than 3422 and are still experiencing the issue, please open a ticket with our Help Desk and they will be able to troubleshoot the matter for you.

    As for the Clip-Art suggestion, I completely agree! I just tested it in our current internal build and it's still automatically plopping the art down on the drawing. Your suggestion will be submitted to our development staff for inclusion in a future update.

    Thanks for your feedback!

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