
Suggested room names

We are wanting to standardize our rooms. It would be great to be able to edit the suggested room names in measure mobile so we can have everyone selecting from the same list. 



  • Official comment

    Hi Stephen,

    Great suggestion. This is actually on our roadmap for Q2 this year. Glad to know it will help you out! 

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  • Fantastic. That is great news.


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  • I was just trying to update our room names and it puts them in alphabetical order. It would be better if you could sort how they appear on the measure mobile app. If all like kind rooms could be in the same column. For example right now on measure mobile there is BR 1 on the right column BR2 on the left underneath a bath2 and then BR3 back on the right column. It would make it much better and easier on the eyes if you could sort them where you want to see them in the actual app. I do not want to change how we name rooms to work around this 


    It would be nice if all the BR1, BR2 etc. were in the left column one by one underneath each other and then bath1, bath2 etc were all in the left column one by one underneath each other. Bedrooms and baths are the most frequently used. Maybe hall1, hall2 is another example. LR, DR, office, den are not used as much since usually only one per house.

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