Combine small cut groups

It would be helpful if you could combine small cut groups, e.g 7'6" and 8'3", into one cut group (15'9" in this instance). It would eliminate the need to do this manually on the Installation document.  This would help in ordering and providing accurate information to the installers,



  • This would be VERY helpful!


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  • Yes, helpful indeed.  We struggle getting the cut sheet layout to match what we do in the real world.  If you could simply drag the cut line to where you want it, or simply delete the ones you don't want would be totally helpful.


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  • Yesssss! This is the one thing that forces me to go back to the office before sending/showing a quote to the customer on site or from the driveway before I leave. Creates a huge log jam back at the office for quotes that need to be re-opened and get the cut chart corrected in Measure Desktop. Also, when you make changes to the cut chart and save them in Measure Desktop they will not pull up in Mobile with the changes applied. I hate transferring from Measure Desktop to RFMS Mobile/Core because my line items are all out of order. 

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