Bluetooth Laser

I upgraded to the newest version of measure. Went to the first measure and I found out that you can't connect to bluetooth lasers anymore? I don't see that being an upgrade? 

To use a laser to draw something on paper and then have to re-draw it in measure seams to be not that great for time. I usually do 5 measures a day and it takes me about 10 minutes with a laser to do an entire home. 

Any chance there will be a solution for this? Otherwise I just have to revert back to the old software. 



  • Official comment

    Thanks for the feedback! Work to restore Disto compatibility is nearly complete. It will be available in the next major update coming later this year. As you've found, the workaround in the meantime is to simply stick to a previous version.

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  • I am glad I found out of this post.  I have 5 measure agents who measure for me and they all use the desktop version.  We need our agents to be able to measure for showers and backsplashes in the premier version.  Not being able to use the laser completely shut us down and I four stores that all use the desktop version to measure.  When this update went through I had two measure agents in the field who had to reschedule their entire day.  They measure for us full time.  That is their only job and being out nearly a whole day trouble shooting the reason behind the inability to use their disto/laser impacted their whole week.  We cannot operate without the disto function. 


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  • RFMS wants you to move to the Mobile version for site measuring. Extra $500. Follow the money.

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  • We do have Mobile versions but is doesn't have all the features of Desktop.  Our agents use the full features of the desktop version. 

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  • As do I. My point is that in order to use Lasers connected to the software, you now have to use Mobile. I use both versions, using Mobile to field measure, then I upload it to Desktop from the Cloud to do my actual estimating. As I mentioned before, the only reason for them to remove Bluetooth from Desktop is to force you to use Mobile in the field. In my opinion.

    I also spoke to RFMS personnel a couple of years ago, they were planning then to combine Mobile & Measure eventually, have one platform. That was their plan then, we'll see, won't we?!

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