
Sheet List Totals

I would like to add a recommendation that will be helpful when working on Multi-family projects.  

When creating a Unit Matrix within the Sheet List, it would be very helpful if the Sheet List Columns had Totals at the bottom (Sheet Column, Multiplier Column, Room Count Column) so that the Estimator can confirm all Unit Styles and Units are accounted for.  I have had projects with over 45 Unit Styles and 300 Units, and I have to add them up manually to make sure none were missed or allocated incorrectly.



  • Official comment

    Thanks for the suggestion! This has been added to our development roadmap.

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  • I agree on the totals for sheets.  Would also like to be able to select multiple rooms and use the room multiplier rather than the sheet multiplier.  Or make the sheet multiplier work the same as the room multiplier.

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  • Being able to compare the unit matrix to our total room count would be awesome.  I vote yes.

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