Text Box in 3d
I wish we could use Text Boxes in 3d. Along with that would be Leading Arrows.
A sort of "Billboard" or "Corkboard" if you will. In 3d we could position the boxes as we do Rooms. Leading Arrows would stay sticky to assigned position.
As 3d is rotated the Board would always face viewer.
This would be a great feature when we need to give the installer a much better visual and explanation of work to be done. Particular for stairways, showers, or backsplashes. Whatever be the work.......
This would also cut down on the need for using so many third-party apps. Currently we would need to save to PDF then use another app to Markup or Annotate which is really a pain.
Currently the only way to Annotate is to save the 3d as a pdf, then pull it back into Measure, then lay Text Boxes on top of it, then print or save as PDF again. That's a real hassle.
Here's an example:
This functionality is currently in development. Look for it in an upcoming beta build...
Great idea, a no brainer.
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