Setting Up JobRunner Integration

 Note: The configuration steps listed in this article are only required when Measure is running on the same server as JobRunner. If Measure is installed on individual workstations, no special configuration is necessary. Instead, users will simply perform an Offline Export to JobRunner.

For each user who requires access to the JobRunner integration, follow these steps:

  1. Download the JobRunner.reg file linked at the bottom of this article.

  2. Download the Pacific Solutions Integration setup file.

  3. While logged in to the Windows account of the user needing JobRunner integration, run the JobRunner.reg file.

  4. Windows will display a prompt similar to the one below. Click "Yes".

  5. Run the Pacific Solutions Integration setup file (PSInstaller.exe).

  6. In the dialog that appears, click "Install Pacific Solutions Components"

The next time Measure is started, all JobRunner integration functions will be available.



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