Performing an Offline Export to JobRunner

Use the Offline Export when running Measure in an environment that does not have JobRunner installed.

 Note: The Pacific Solutions Integration file must be installed on each workstation running Measure before this functionality will be available. Click here to download the installer. Additionally, the integration requires JobRunner 24b1 or higher.

Video Tutorial


      1. Navigate to Measure's Worksheet.
      2. Select Export > JobRunner (Offline)

      3. Browse to the folder in which you would like to save the Export data and click OK.

      4. Copy the folder to the server or workstation on which JobRunner is installed. This can be done via e-mail, a shared cloud folder, or any other method of file transfer.
 Note: The steps below will instruct you to click on "FloorRight" instead of "RFMS Measure". These are the correct steps for the time being. A future JobRunner update may adjust this, but for now please follow the remaining steps as they appear.
  1. In JobRunner, navigate to Integrations > FloorRight.
  2. Click the "Import From FloorRight" button in the upper-right corner of the dialog that appears.

  3. Navigate to the folder containing the Offline Export data, select it, and click "OK"

The Measure data will be imported into JobRunner

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