This article covers the columns and options for Carpet/Roll type products in the Measure Desktop product list.
- Color Swatch (optional)
- Drop-down box in which a color may be selected to represent the product on the drawing and in printed reports. Colors must be unique for each product and cannot be shared by any other product.
Note: If the swatch is left black and the product does not have at least one color line under it with a non-black swatch, it will not be available to assign directly to a room through the Product Selector.
- Black and White Swatch (optional)
- Drop-down box in which a black and white pattern may be selected to represent the product on the drawing and in printed reports. Multiple products may share the same pattern. Black and white patterns will not be rendered in the on-screen drawing unless the "Cross hatching" option is set to "B&W" under the Display section of the Measure Options window. Likewise, black and white patterns will not be used in printed reports unless the "B&W" crosshatch option is enabled in that report's print options.
- Product Image (optional)
- Button used to import an image file that will represent the product on the drawing and in printed reports. Compatible formats include .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .TIF, and .TIFF. Product images will not be rendered on the drawing or in printed reports unless the "Show Product Images" option has been enabled in the Display section of the Measure Options window.
- Link
- Non-interactive icon used to indicate how a product was added to Measure. A
icon means the product was created manually in Measure. A
icon means the product was imported from a user's RFMS Cloud database or RFMS Store.
- Style Name
- Text field in which the product's name is entered. If a product is imported from the RFMS Cloud or a user's RFMS Store this field will be filled automatically. The Style Name is used as a label for the product within the software and on printed plans and reports.
- Style Number (optional)
- Text field in which a style number may be entered. If a product is imported from the RFMS Cloud or a user's RFMS Store and it has a style number attached to it, this field will be filled automatically. Style Numbers are not displayed in standard plans and reports, though they can be included when printing custom forms.
- Vendor (optional)
- Button that opens a list of vendors saved within the current project. This feature may be used to flag a product as being sourced from a particular vendor. Vendor data is not displayed in standard plans and reports, though it can be included when printing custom forms.
Note: As with all Product List settings, the Vendor list is only saved within the current project unless the Save as Default feature is invoked.
- Width
- Text field in which the product roll width is entered. By default, the measurement in this field will be used to calculate material usage.
Note: There are two columns for roll width in the Product List. This one is located under the "Description" heading, whereas the other can be found under "Estimating". A Project Setting in the Measure Options window allows users to specify whether the software will base material calculations on the Description Width or the Estimating Width. If the option is switched to "Estimating" then the software will use the measurement entered in the Estimating width column when calculating material, but printed reports in which the product is named will refer to it using the measurement from the Description field.
- Manufacturer's Standard Roll Length (optional)
- Text field in which a standard roll length for the product may be entered. As soon as the product is allocated, a single roll is generated at the length specified in this field. Additional rolls will be generated at this length as they are needed.
Note: If this field is left blank, rolls will be generated based on the "Default standard roll length" setting found under the Estimating section of the Measure Options window.
- Leave Waste (optional)
- Drop-down box with options for controlling how unused material at the ends of rolls is tracked.
[blank]: Default to the global "Leave waste..." setting specified under the Estimating section of the Measure Options window. Never: Any unused material at the ends of rolls will not be included in the product's natural waste factor. All but last: Unused material at the ends of all but the last roll will be included in the product's natural waste factor. >1: Only include unused material at the ends of rolls in the product's natural waste factor when more than one roll is used.
- Width (optional)
- Text field in which the width of a product's pattern may be entered. Leave this field blank if the product does not have a pattern.
- Length (Optional)
- Text field in which the length of a product's pattern may be entered. Leave this field blank if the product does not have a pattern.
Note: Products with a pattern that runs the length of the roll are allowed to have a pattern Width specified with no corresponding Length. If data is entered in the Length column, however, a pattern Width must also be specified in order for the product to be usable.
- Drop (Optional)
- Drop-down box in which pattern a drop may be specified. Drop refers to how instances of a pattern are staggered. In the examples below, each blue square represents one pattern instance.
0: 1/2: 1/3: 1/4: 1/8:
- User Waste (optional)
- Text field in which extra waste may be added to a product. The number entered in this field will add waste on top of whatever natural waste factor Measure calculates. When applied to a roll product, extra waste is displayed on-screen and (optionally) in printed reports as a shaded area at the end of the product's final roll.
- Type (optional)
- Drop-down box where the calculation method for extra waste may be specified. The default setting is "%".
%: Additional waste will be generated by adding the number entered in the User Waste field as a percentage of the product's Unboxed Quantity (Unboxed Quantity = net area + natural waste factor). units: Additional waste will be generated by adding a fixed amount of material based on the product's unit of sale and the number specified in the User Waste field.
- Width
- Text field in which the product roll width is entered.
Note: There are two columns for roll width in the Product List. This one is located under the "Estimating" heading, whereas the other can be found under "Description". A Project Setting in the Measure Options window allows users to specify whether the software will base material calculations on the Description Width or the Estimating Width. If the option is switched to "Estimating" then the software will use the measurement entered in the Estimating width column when calculating material, but printed reports in which the product is named will refer to it using the measurement from the Description field.
- Cut Gap (optional)
- Text field in which the distance between cuts on the roll may be specified. The total area of all cut gaps is simply treated as part of the material's natural waste factor. Leaving this field blank will result in no cut gap being applied.
Note: By default, an additional cut gap will not be added after the final cut on a roll. If a cut gap at the end of the roll is desired, there is an option to enable it under the Estimating section of the Measure Options window.
- Cut Gap Method
- Drop-down box where the method by which the cut gap is applied may be chosen. This setting will only be applied if a measurement has been entered in the Cut Gap field.
Full Width Gaps will be added between cuts that run the full width of the roll (aka guillotine cuts). Add to Length Horizontal gaps will be added between all cuts running lengthwise down the roll. Add to All Sides: Gaps will be inserted around all sides of every cut. - Cut Square (optional)
- Check-box which, if enabled, causes the software to generate more full-width (aka guillotine) cuts at the cost of potentially increasing the material's natural waste factor.
- Max T-Seams
- Text field in which an absolute maximum number of automatically generated t-seams may be specified for the product. This number can be adjusted on a per-room basis using the Maximum Allowed T-Seam tool.
- Unit
- Drop-down box in which a product's unit of sale is specified. Carpet/Roll goods may be sold by square or linear units. If a linear unit is selected, the gross quantity that appears on the worksheet and in printed reports will be the total length of all rolls used by the product in question.
- Cost/Price (optional)
- Text field in which a cost or price per unit may be entered.
Note: Projects with a Business Type set to "Commercial" will have a Cost column whereas those set to "Retail" will show Price instead.
- Level (optional)
- Drop-down box in which an imported product's price level may be selected. Products sourced from an RFMS store will be imported into Measure along with all available price levels. These levels can then be adjusted as needed by clicking the drop-down box and selecting one from the list. When a new price level is selected, the software connects to the RFMS store again to import the current price.
- If a product created in the RFMS Cloud is to be imported with a price level, the level must be selected during the import process. Only the selected level will be imported with the product.
Note: If an organization has RFMS Mobile and a user within that organization enters a custom price for a product, the Level field will automatically adjust to reflect that. Projects with a Business Type set to Commercial will display "Special PO Cost". Projects set to Retail will display "Write-in".
- Freight (optional)
- Text field in which freight cost per unit may be entered. Freight is calculated by adding the amount entered in the Freight field to the product's Unit Cost.
Note: Although freight charges can be added to products in both Commercial and Retail projects, only those with a Business Type set to Commercial will see freight reflected in the subtotal.
- Taxable (optional)
- Check-box that controls whether the Tax Rate (entered as a Project Setting) is applied to a product.
- Hidden (optional)
- Check-box used to flag a product as "hidden". Hidden products will be visible in the on-screen drawing, as well as on Room, Seam, and Cut plans. They will not, however, be shown on the Worksheet or in custom Forms. As such, any product flagged as "hidden" will not factor into the project's grand total.
- Add-ons (optional)
- Button that opens the Product Add-on window. Product Add-ons allow a primary flooring product (carpet, tile, vinyl, etc.) to be linked with auxiliary products and services (carpet pad, labor, etc.). When the primary product is used, any auxiliary products linked to it are added to the job and calculated automatically based on usage rules set by the user.
- See: Product Add-ons.
- Cut Increment (optional)
- Text field in which a measurement may be entered as a cut group increment. The length of each cut group generated for the product will be rounded up to the nearest measurement divisible by the Cut Increment.
Note: Cut increments in projects set to utilize imperial units of measure must be under 1 foot and can only be whole inch measurements (i.e. 3" is valid, but 0.5" is not). Projects set to utilize metric units can only have cut increments entered as whole centimeter measurements (i.e. 10cm is valid, but 9.5cm is not) or fractions of a meter not exceeding 0.3.
- PC (RFMS users only)
- Text field in which an RFMS product code may be entered. This field will be populated automatically for products imported from RFMS. To successfully export a Measure project to RFMS, Bidpro, etc., a valid product code must be present for each product. Organizations that do not utilize the RFMS core business software or do not export projects from Measure to RFMS can ignore this field.
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