How does Measure Integrate with RFMS?

How do Measure and RFMS integrate?

Our MOE (Measure Order Entry) service must be activated for your company so that information can be exchanged between RFMS and Measure Desktop.

To activate this service please contact RFMS support.

Required for integration:

  • RFMS Core
  • MOE
  • Measure Desktop Subscription

Customer Files

Your RFMS Customer File Database can be searched, added to, and updated from within Measure Desktop.

For steps on how to do this please see the article:

Product Database

Products from your RFMS database can be imported into your Measure Desktop product list for each individual project or saved to a default product list. 

For steps on how to search for a product please see the article:

For steps on how to make a default product list please see the article:

Order Entry

Measure projects can be exported to RFMS as a quote, order, or Bidpro Estimate. 

For steps on how to export to RFMS please see the article:

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