FAQ: Does Measure Mobile Require an Internet Connection During Field Use?

No.  Measure Mobile is capable of performing roll allocation and worksheet calculations without an internet connection.  When there is no connection to the internet projects will be saved to your device. A cloud icon will appear on the project tile indicating that it is not synced.  In addition, the Products screen will only show your default products as searching the cloud will not be possible without an internet connection.  These features allow for field use that does not require an internet connection.  

However, an internet connection is needed for the following:

  • Access to recent updates made to "On Device" projects via Measure Desktop
  • Sync projects to the Cloud
  • Access projects from another users' folder
  • Access to the shared Cloud Product Database
  • Exporting to RFMS

Since the above actions can take place before and after an onsite measurement, Measure Mobile provides a good solution for estimators and sales professionals who do not have a mobile device with a data plan.

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