Importing Data from Other Projects

Import data from other Measure projects and include it on the current form.


When data is imported this way, it appears on the form as if it were a part of the current project. However, the actual products, rooms, and settings from the project are not imported.

In order for a Measure file to be eligible for import, the rooms on each of its sheets must be allocated. If a project containing unallocated material is selected, an error will appear indicating that it cannot be imported.

All sheets belonging to imported projects are visible in the Phases and Sheets menu and can be enabled or disabled freely.

  Tip: Manage very large estimates by breaking them out into smaller, individual project files and then importing their data into a single form at the end.


All imported projects can be seen by going to File > Import from the Generate Forms window. To remove an imported project, select it from the list and click the Remove_Imported_Project_Button.png button. If product usage data is changed in an imported project, refresh it by selecting the project from the list and clicking the Refresh_Form_Data_Button.png button.

How To:

Import Data from Another Project

    1. Open the File menu menu_button.png in the upper-left corner of the Generate Forms window
    2. Select Import
    3. Click the Import_Data_Button.png button
    4. In the window that appears, navigate to the folder in which the project is stored
    5. Select the project file and click Open






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