The Forms feature allows you to create customizable forms for print or export to PDF.
This feature can be used to generate a variety of different forms, such as Quotes, Invoices, and Work Orders. It also grants estimators complete control over how the data within each form is organized and presented. Access it by clicking the "Forms" button in the upper-right corner of the Worksheet, or by clicking the "Quote" button in the upper-left corner of the Print screen.
Forms can be accessed via the Forms button in the Worksheet,
or the Forms button on the navigation bar.
The Forms Screen Includes:
- The preview of the document is displayed and updates changes made in this screen in real time.
- Ribbon Bar along the top with tools and options that are unique to Forms.
- Formatting panel in the right side section in which header and footer data may be customized, along with font settings for the body of the form.
Note: Any adjustments made in the Formatting panel will be reflected in the Page Layout panel, and vice versa.
The sections below document the tools and features found in each section of the ribbon bar.
Line items can be grouped according to several different criteria. Options in this section allow for control over how that grouping takes place.
Note: "Organize by" options only control how line items are grouped. The manner in which each group is sorted is controlled through the "Sort" option, which is covered below.
- None
All line items are displayed in a simple, ungrouped list. If sheets and/or phases are being used, the same item may be listed on multiple lines to reflect that. - Sheets
A heading is generated for each Sheet and line items populate under each heading based on the Sheet in which they are used. -
Each product and service will be displayed as a single line item. If an item is used on multiple sheets or phases, all data columns for the item will contain combined totals.Example: A project has two sheets. Each sheet contains a 16SY room that utilizes "Carpet A". Under most grouping methods, this would be shown on two different lines due to the fact that the rooms belong to different sheets. Organizing the form by products, however, would flatten the data down to a single "Carpet A" line with 32SY of material.
- Rooms
A heading is generated for each room and all products and services used in the room are listed underneath as line items. An estimated subtotal for each room is also shown. - Style
A heading is generated for each product style and all color variants belonging to that style are listed underneath as line items. An estimated total for each style is also shown. - Color
Functions similarly to to organizing by Style, except each product Color line receives a heading. An estimated subtotal for each color is also shown. - Lot
A heading is generated for each lot used in the project. Line items populate under each heading based on the lot in which they are used. Items that do not belong to a lot are placed at the top of the form. - Calc. Method
A heading is generated for each Calculation Method used in the project. All products and services that utilize a particular method are listed under it. Estimated subtotals are generated for each calculation method. - Usage Type
Headings are generated for each different material usage type. All products that utilize a particular usage type are listed under the appropriate heading. Examples of usage types are "Borders", "Stairways", "Tile Count", and so on. Estimated subtotals are generated for each usage type. - Taxable
Two headings are generated; one for products that are not flagged as "taxable" and one for products that are. Products and services are listed as line items under the appropriate heading. An estimated subtotal is generated for both headings. - Sale Unit
A heading is generated for each unit of sale in use by various products and services in the estimate. All products and services that utilize a particular unit are listed under it. Estimated subtotals are generated for each unit of sale.
Choose which phases and sheets are included on the form. Place a check in the box next to a phase/sheet to include it. Click the button to include everything.
Choose which data columns are visible on the form. Place a check in the box next to a column to include it.
Note: The number of columns that may be included on a form is limited by space on the page. If too many columns are enabled, a warning message will appear. Adjust page orientation, margins, and/or font size in order to create room for more columns.
Choose a sorting method for the form data. If the selected "Organize By" method does not group items under headings, then the entire list of products and services will be sorted according to the method chosen. For "Organize By" methods that do group items into sections, each section will be sorted independently according to the sort method chosen.
Show Add-ons
Lines representing Add-on items are displayed along with other products. All lines are ordered according to the sorting method that has been chosen. Add-on lines do not receive any special visual distinction.
Show Add-ons under material
Lines representing primary flooring products (carpet, tile, etc.) are displayed in a bold font. They are ordered according to the sorting method that has been chosen. Add-on items are displayed in a standard font under the primary product they are associated with.
Hide Add-ons
Add-on lines are not displayed on the form.
Tip: Even though the add-ons are hidden, the total will still reflect the correct amount.
Color Chip Checkbox
Show or hide the color chip for add-on products.
Show Quantity Checkbox
Show or hide the gross quantity of add-ons.
Show Rooms
Each product line on the form includes data about the rooms in which the product is used. Available data includes gross quantity and an estimated subtotal per room.
Hide Rooms
Room-specific data is hidden unless the "Organize by" method is set to "Rooms".
Show Prices
All pricing and subtotal information is visible on the form.
Show Prices except Add-ons
Pricing data for primary flooring products remains visible on the form, but prices and subtotals for Add-on lines are hidden. In order to maintain the accuracy of the form's Grand Total, hidden Add-on prices and subtotals are rolled into the primary product they belong to.
Show Only Service Prices
Only items belonging to the "Services" category of the Product List will have their price and subtotal data displayed.
Show Only Material Prices
All items except those belonging to the "Services" category of the Product List will have their price and subtotal data displayed.
Show Only Grand Total
No pricing or subtotal data is displayed. Instead, only the Grand Total at the bottom of the form is visible.
Drop-down menu in which the zoom level for the on-screen form may be set. Choose a specific percentage or one of the following options:
- Fit Page
Set the zoom level so that one full page fits on the screen. - Fit Width
Set the zoom level so that one full page width fits on the screen.
Drop-down menu in which the form's orientation may be switched between "landscape" and "portrait".
Open the Page Setup window.
See: "Page Setup" section of Printer Options
Page Selector
Drop-down menu that allows for navigation to a specific page on the form.
Direct link to the Project Information window.
See: Entering Customer and Job Information
Direct link to the Product List.
Direct link to the Sheet Add-on window.
See: Sheet Add-ons
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