Attaching External Documents

Attach external documents to the form and include them in printouts.

Measure allows external documents in virtually any image format to be attached to a project's form and then printed or saved as a PDF.


How To:

1.  Open the File menu menu_button.png in the upper-left corner of the Generate Forms window

2.  Click on the Attachments

3.  In the Form Attachments window click Attach_Document_Button.png open the Windows file navigator and select which file(s) you wish to add

4.  A preview of the attachment will appear to the right

5. Select OK to add the attachment(s) to the form

The Form Attachments Window


Attach_Document_Button.png Attach Document
Open file navigation interface through which a document can be selected for attachment.

Remove_Document_Button.png Remove Document
Remove the selected document from the form.

Re-order_Attached_Documents_Buttons.png Re-Order Documents
Change the order of attached documents. Click the up arrow to move the selected document towards the beginning of the printout, or click the down arrow to move it towards the end.

List of all attached documents. Left-click one to select it.

Preview of the selected document. Does not include headers and footers.

Add border space
Create blank space around the document. If this option is disabled, the document will fill an entire page with no margins and thus no room for headers or footers.

Show headers/footers
Display header and footer information as it appears throughout the rest of the form.

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