Log In:
1. After installing the app, open it and choose Log In
2. Enter your email address and password and tap Log In. (What email address and password should I use?)
3. If you are already logged in on another device you will be presented wit the option to deactivate the login on the other device or use an additional license if one is available.
No Available License Message
If you get this message when trying to use an additional license it means that your company has no more available licenses. Choosing the option to deactivate your other device will allow you to log in.
Log Out:
1. While in the Projects home screen tap the user icon in the upper left corner.
2. Tap Log Out in the information box that comes up.
What email address and password do I use to log in?
A license subscription is required in order to login to Measure Mobile and access additional features of our cloud services.
Once your subscription is active you will be able to manage usernames and passwords through the RFMS Online Services web portal.
For more information on Measure Mobile licensing please see our article Measure Mobile Licensing and User Administration.
Forgot Password?
1. Enter your email address and tap Forgot Password on the login screen.
2. Confirm that you would like to reset your password.
3. Locate the password reset instructions in your inbox and use the link to set your new password.
4. Open the Measure Mobile app and login with your new password.
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