Where are the project settings located?
From within a project press the settings icon, , located on the side menu.
General Estimating Settings
- Unit of Measure
- These options are controlled in Measure Cloud Management (MCM) under the Your Company tile, otherwise it defaults to feet and inches.
- Snapping Amount
- When dragging room sides the unit of measure will change at this set interval.
- Extends through Doorways
- Set the length that a product will extend through a doorway.
- Minimum Cut Width
- This refers to the smallest width of a cut allowed on the cut plan.
- Pattern Repeat
- Turn on the patter repeat option when using patterned roll products. Refer to the video above to see a demo of how this feature works.
- Cut Gap at End of Roll
- Only applies to roll products with a cut gap. Turning this setting on will add an extra cut gap at the end of the roll.
- Majority of Fills at End of Roll
- This option allows you to designate that fill pieces should be cut at the end of a roll where possible. This is helpful in reducing waste.
- Cut Gap
- Set the space between guillotine cuts on the roll plan.
Drawing Area Settings
- Show Grid
- Toggling this setting will show or hide the grid on the drawing screen. The size of the grid lines can also be adjusted.
- Major Grid Unit
- Set the length of the side of the major grid unit.
- Minor Grid Unit
- Set the length of the side of the minor grid unit.
Default Wall Settings
- Show Default Walls
- Toggle default wall visibility in the drawing screen as well as 3D view.
- Default Wall Color
- Change the color of default walls. This will appear when viewing rooms in 3D.
- Default Wall Thickness
- Set the thickness of walls. This will adjust the view in the drawing screen as well as 3D view.
- Default Wall Height
- Set the height of walls. This will be visible when viewing rooms in 3D
Roll Product Settings
- Cut Labels
- These can be displayed as number or letters on the cut and seam plan reports.
- Roll Width
- This setting applies to products that have a different useable width than their roll width.
- Cut Increment
- This setting ensures that all guillotine cuts are made at the same multiples of the set unit.
- Maximum Cut Group Length
- Set the maximum length a cut group can be.
Tax Settings
- Locale
- Change the locale to adjust tax setting options
- Tax Rate
- Apply tax value as applicable to your set locale.
Misc. Settings
- Room Transparency
- Set the percentage of transparency for rooms on the drawing screen.
All changes made will be saved as default settings for future projects.
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