Project Settings

Where are the project settings located?

From within a project press the settings icon, project_settings_icon.png, located on the side menu.



General Estimating Settings

Unit of Measure
These options are controlled in Measure Cloud Management (MCM) under the Your Company tile, otherwise it defaults to feet and inches.
Snapping Amount
When dragging room sides the unit of measure will change at this set interval.
Extends through Doorways
Set the length that a product will extend through a doorway.
Minimum Cut Width
This refers to the smallest width of a cut allowed on the cut plan.
Pattern Repeat
Turn on the patter repeat option when using patterned roll products. Refer to the video above to see a demo of how this feature works.
Cut Gap at End of Roll
Only applies to roll products with a cut gap. Turning this setting on will add an extra cut gap at the end of the roll.
Majority of Fills at End of Roll
This option allows you to designate that fill pieces should be cut at the end of a roll where possible. This is helpful in reducing waste.
Cut Gap
Set the space between guillotine cuts on the roll plan.

Drawing Area Settings


Show Grid
Toggling this setting will show or hide the grid on the drawing screen. The size of the grid lines can also be adjusted.
Major Grid Unit
Set the length of the side of the major grid unit.
Minor Grid Unit
Set the length of the side of the minor grid unit.

Default Wall Settings


Show Default Walls
Toggle default wall visibility in the drawing screen as well as 3D view.
Default Wall Color
Change the color of default walls. This will appear when viewing rooms in 3D.
Default Wall Thickness
Set the thickness of walls. This will adjust the view in the drawing screen as well as 3D view.
Default Wall Height
Set the height of walls. This will be visible when viewing rooms in 3D

Roll Product Settings

Cut Labels
These can be displayed as number or letters on the cut and seam plan reports.
Roll Width
This setting applies to products that have a different useable width than their roll width.
Cut Increment
This setting ensures that all guillotine cuts are made at the same multiples of the set unit.
Maximum Cut Group Length
Set the maximum length a cut group can be.

Tax Settings

Change the locale to adjust tax setting options
Tax Rate
Apply tax value as applicable to your set locale.

Misc. Settings

Room Transparency
Set the percentage of transparency for rooms on the drawing screen.


All changes made will be saved as default settings for future projects.

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