How to Create a New Project


How To:

  1. From the Project Screen select the blue plus icon PlusIcon.png.
  2. Select the new project icon templateicon.png. To create a project using an RFMS Quote please see the article Create a New Project Using an RFMS Quote.
  3. If the project is for a new customer, enter their name and address in the specified fields. Check the box for New Customer to add the customer to your RFMS database when the project is created.new_customer_checkbox.png
  4. If the project is for an existing customer, enter their name in the specified fields and select Search Store For Customer. Select customer from the search list. All text fields will then automatically be filled with their information as it is in RFMS.
  5. If you are a CRM user you can select the checkbox for New Opportunity to create an opportunity card linked to this project for the customer in CRM.
  6. Enter a title for the project.
  7. Lastly, select a template, whether to start the project in the drawing screen or the worksheet, and then tap the Add Project button.

    Note: Templates are maintained by your company's RFMS administrator through the RFMS Online Services web portal.

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