How to Calculate Taxes in Meaure Mobile

Tax rate can be set in Measure Mobile. However, if you an RFMS user, taxes should be calculated at the store. This article will detail how to do both.

RFMS Users

RFMS Users should ALWAYS use RFMS to calculate tax on a project.

On the Worksheet screen there will be a button above the total that says Calculate Tax at Store


Non-RFMS Users

Select Project Settings, project_settings_icon.png, located in the right-side menu.

Tax Rate is based on the selected Locale. The percentage rate can be manually inputted. Be sure to select Save to apply and keep any changes made.


  • Individual products and services can be marked as marked as taxable or not from RFMS Online Services.
  • Products that have been imported to into the project can also be marked as taxable or not through the product list.
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