Room Properties

Room Properties is a tool that allows you to set a room's name, name position, material lay direction arrow position, notes, and multiplier options. Right-click a room and the option to access Room Properties will be in that menu.

Some room properties are purely aesthetic and may be adjusted to improve the overall readability of the takeoff. Other properties are important tools for identifying rooms on printed reports and can be used to impart vital information to installers or others involved in the project.


Video Tutorial


  Tip: Room Properties can also be adjusted by double-clicking a room on the drawing or in the Explorer window.

Room Properties Window


A. Room Name

A room's name is the way it will be labeled on the drawing and in all printed plans and reports. As such, each room must have a name and its name must be unique. Click in the text field to enter a name or click the drop-down button to choose from a list of predefined names.


Room Names can be associated with Room Types (i.e. the name "cl1" belongs to the "Closet" Room Type). Each Room Type can then be assigned rules that dictate seam usage. See: Room Names and Room Types.

B. Name Position
The position of the room's name in relation to its boundaries. The default position is "Middle".
C. Arrow Position
The position of the room's material lay direction arrow in relation to its boundaries. The default position is "Top-Left"
D. Multiple Room Names

Create multiple room names that can be placed around a single room. Use the Reposition tool, reposition_tool.png, to move the name text boxes.

How To:

Double click a room to open the Room Properties dialog

  1. Select the Multiple Names button.
  2. Click the green plus button to add a new name line.
  3. Enter the name (repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary).
  4. Click OK to save the names.
  5. Click OK in the Room Properties dialog to apply the names.
  6. The added names will be listed beneath the main room name.
  7. Use the Reposition tool, reposition_tool.png, to move the names around.
E. Multiplier

Allows a single room to be allocated multiple times on a sheet. This waste is then shared across these "rooms".

Set multiplier will appear by the room name Estimate view of Explorer Window shows that a single room has material allocated multiple times 
room_multiplier.png room_multiplier_allocation.png
F. Notes
Instructions for installers or other information specific to the selected room should be entered here. A report that includes all notes is available from the Print screen. Any room that has a note assigned to it will display an annotation icon notes_icon.png in its upper-left corner.
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