Use this tool to add a curve to the side of an existing room. If you'd like to create a curved side in a room you are in the process of drawing, use the Add Curve Segment tool.

Video Tutorial
How To:
1. Select a room and then click the handle on the side of the room to which you'd like to apply a curve.
2. Click on the Make Curve tool and select one of the four choices.
3. Plot the points of your curve.
Left-click to place the apex of the curve
Move your cursor to adjust the angle of the curve and left-click to place the point.
The first two points are placed for you at the beginning and end of the curve.
Left-click to place the additional 3 points. Use the guidelines to increase accuracy.
Use the "arms" at either end of the curve to adjust its form.
Use the guidelines and angle indicators to increase accuracy.
4. Once made, the curve segment can be edited by dragging its handle(s).
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