Seam Plan

The Seam Plan displays the overall seam placement for roll products in a project.

Sample Plan:


Plan Options

 To access the Plan Properties dialog select the tool icon, view_print_properties_button.jpg, next to the plan while in the print screen.

Include in report: Everything / Selection Only

Indicate whether to have the entire project included in the report or only what has been selected in the drawing area.

seam plan options - Copy.png

Print across multiple pages

Spread the report across multiple pages. (i.e. 1:1, 1:2, 2:2 etc.) Selecting this option will override the option for Print to Scale.

Print to Scale

Choose from a list of scale options or set a custom scale for the print.

Suppress margins, headers, footers, and legends

Print the room plan without margins, headers footers, and legends.

Product Legend

Change the position and font size of the product legend.

Annotation Legend

Change the position and font size of the legend for product annotations. This includes text boxes, highlights, leader lines etc.

Show quantities in legend

Display total quantities of each product in the legend.

Show add-ons in legend

Include add-ons in the the product legend.

Include Graphics

Include any underlying blueprint in the report.

Crop graphics automatically

Crop the blueprint graphics to include only the portion that has been traced over is visible.


Change the language of the printed report. This will any text generated by Measure, such as the name of the report.

Cross Hatching

If cross hatching has been enabled for products, this option allows it to be printed in place of the products color.

Show Dimensions

Display measurements of each room.

Show Measure Tape

Show or hide measurement lines created with the Measuring Lines tool.

Show Measuring Lines

Show or hide measuring lines in rooms created with the Add Measuring Line tool.

Show Cut Names

Display the name of each cut


Show Cut Length

Display the length of the cut.

Show lay direction

Display an arrow in each room to indicate product lay direction.

Show annotation flags

If a room has notes or add-ons, then this option will display icons in the corner of the room to indicate these annotations.


Choose a print orientation for the plan.

 Note: "Default" will print the plan in whichever orientation is set in the "Printer" panel. Choosing "Portrait" or "Landscape" in this window will override that setting for this report only.

Hide All Counter Nodes

If counter nodes are in use the project, check this box to hide them on the seam plan.

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