How to Add or Change Flooring Product in a Room

How To:

  1. While in the drawing screen select the Room tabroom_tab.png
  2. Select the room(s) that you wish to add or change the product in.rooms_selected_room_tab.png
  3. Tap the Product Selector. The Room tab will show a list of products already in use on this project, recently used products and the option to search for product room tab.png
    If there is already product in the room you can tap the Color Selector to change the color of the product in the room(s).
  4. Select the new product or color and adjust room product settings from the Room tab as needed.


  • RFMS Users - When searching for a product you will be able to search products synced from your database to RFMS Online Services.
  • Non-RFMS Users - When searching for a product you will be searching your product list was created and maintained in RFMS Online Services.
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