How to Use the Extend Room Tool

The extend room tool allows you to add a new section to an existing room.

Video Tutorial


How to Extend a Room

1. From the drawing screen tap the blue plus icon PlusIcon.png.

2. Select the Extend Room tool extend_room_icon.png at the top. 

3. Plot the points to create the new section. You can tap on the screen tracing a shape, enter wall segments manually using the keypad, or use a Disto after placing the first point.


4. Tap the Close Room button close_room_icon.png to complete the section.

Additional Options


close_icon.png Closes the the Extend Room tool without making changes to the room.
switch_direction_icon.png Switch between the first and last line segments drawn to continue drawing from that point.
angle_snapping_icon.png Toggle angle snapping at 45 increments. If the icon it blue it means snapping is on.
find_angle_icon.png Find angle of wall segment. For how to use this feature please see our Free Draw article
add_transition_icon.png Adds a transition as a new segment and in the same direction as the previous one. 
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