Working with a Project Set

Project Sets are a great way to organize and explore various flooring options in a retail setting.  If the customer would like to see alternative options to the original proposal, there is no need to lose work that is already done. Simply create a duplicate project and make the needed adjustments. If your company uses RFMS, whichever project option is decided upon it can be exported easily.



Project Set from the Drawing Screen

How to Make a Project Set

1. Once a project has been started, select the Project Set project_set_icon.png icon in the upper right to create a duplicate.


2. Select New Duplicate.


3. Name the new copy and then select Save.


Switching Between Projects

1. Select a project from the set (the one you are currently viewing will say "active")

2. Choose Switch Project to open it.


Creating a New Duplicate

A new duplicate can be made from any existing project in the set.

1. Select one from the list of projects.

2. Tap New Duplicate.


3. Enter a name

4. Select Save.


Viewing Projects within a Set

1. The project that is currently being viewed will have (Active) next to its name.
2. Directly below the name will be the status of the project, how long ago it was saved/altered, as well as the Estimate or Order number if it has been exported to RFMS.
3. The cloud icon appears when a project is not stored locally on the device and must be download from the cloud. This icon will go away when the project as been opened and altered in some way.


Project Set from the Project Home Screen

To access projects in a set from the Project Screen, tap the Project Set project_set_icon.png icon on the project card.project_card_example_2.png

Open a Specific Project from a Set

After selecting the Project Set icon the Drawing Selection dialog will come up. Tap on a project name to open it. You can switch to other projects within the set from the drawing screen.


Delete, Duplicate, Move, or Archive a Project Set


A. move_icon_drawing_selection.png Move all projects in a set to a designated folder. First, select the folder icon, select a new destination folder from the drop down list, and confirm the action by tapping Move.

B. copy_icon_drawing_selection.png Duplicate all projects in a set. Choose whether you want to duplicate the entire project or only the floor plan.


C. archive_button_drawing_selection.png Archive all projects in a set. A confirmation dialog will pop up before the action is completed.


D. cloud_icon.png The cloud icon appears when a project is not stored locally on the device and must be download from the cloud. This icon will go away when the project as been opened and altered in some way.

E. trash_2.png Delete a specific project from a set. A confirmation dialog will pop up before the action is completed.


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