Diagonal Rectangular Holes

Use this tool to create rectangular holes at an angle in a room.

Clicking on the tool icon will select the Diagonal Right Angle Hole tool. Clicking on the down arrow to the right of the icon gives the option for the Filled Diagonal Right Angle Hole tool.


Using an older version of Measure?


Diagonal Hole
(One Room)


Filled Diagonal Hole
(Two Rooms)

How To:

1. Select a room then select the Diagonal Right Angle Hole tool.

2. Use the red guides to accurately locate the start point for the hole.



Press F6 to move the aligning measurements to the next wall going clockwise around the room. Press the F7 key to move to counter-clockwise.

3. Determine the angle at which you would like the hole to be set by following the guide lines. The exact number of degrees can be seen inside the red parentheses.


4. Continue placing points until you return to the start  and left-click to close the hole.


Press Shift+Ctrl+C or use the Close Room button to close the hole.

Moving Holes

Once a hole has been drawn in a room you can move it anywhere in the room.

1. First, select the room. Notice the handle with arrows positioned in the center of the hole


2. Next, click and hold your cursor over the handle and drag the hole to a new location in the room.


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