Creating Stairs

Measure allows users to define custom stairs for a project as well as maintain a library of common and custom configurations. For stairs that must match the edge of a room use the Append Stairs tool.

If you are looking to adjust the calculation method for add-ons for stairs please see the Stairs section of the article Basic Add-on Calculation Methods.


Video Tutorial


Stairway Editor

The Stairway Editor dialog box will appear when creating custom stairs or when existing stairs on the drawing are being edited.

  Tip: To edit existing stairs double-click the room or right click and select Room Properties.


A. Room Properties and Notes

Edit the name.

Set a multiplier. This will multiply and allocate the the appropriate amount of material without needing to draw the room again.


Add notes and view photos.


B. Product Selector and Size Definitions


a. Select tread product

b. Select riser product if different from tread

c. Enter the number of steps. This can be edited after the stairway has been created as well

d. Enter the width of each step

e. Enter the riser height. Max height is 14 inches

f. Enter tread depth

g. Set stringer height if desired

h. Indicate the material lay direction (N, S, E, or W)

i. Indicate Riser material lay direction

C. Customization options


a. Create a spiral stair case. This will add additional options. Please see Spiral Staircase section for more details

b. If the option for a spiral staircase is selected Rectangular Cuts will be able to be checked. This option allocates a single cut for each pair of riser and tread

c. Displays a flattened view of the tread and riser material on the drawing screen.

d. Choose to allocate each step individually

e. When viewing the stairway in the 3D Viewer checking or unchecking this option will show/hide the handrail in that view

f. Unchecking this option will exclude risers. This will alter the look of the stairway in the 3D Viewer as well

g. Check this option to enable the tread product selector

h. Toggle the orientation of the stairway to be vertical or horizontal

Create Custom Stairs

  1. Click the Stairs button, stairs_button.png
  2. Enter the dimensions and parameters to define the stairway.
  3. Click OK to close the Stairway Editor and place the stairway on the canvas or click Create & New to place the stairway and re-open the stairway editor to create another set of stairs.

Adding a Border

When the stairway editor is open click the Borders button to toggle the borders options.


  1. Check the box to include a left or right border
  2. Select a lay direction for the material
  3. Enter the width of the border
  4. Select a product

Spiral Staircase


  1. Indicate the number of full rotations in 360 increments
  2. Set the diameter of the central point of the stairway
  3. Set the rotation to be clockwise or counter-clockwise

The Quick Stairs Library

Using Quick Stairs
  1. Click quick_stairs_button.png
  2. From the library that opens select a predefined stairway. It will be added to the drawing area
Add to/Delete From Quick Stairs Library

Add to the library:

  1. Select a stairway from the drawing area
  2. Click quick_stairs_button.png
  3. Select the option Add to Quick Stairs Library

Delete from the library:

  1. Click quick_stairs_button.png 
  2. Select Manage Stairs Library
  3. Select a stairway and click Delete
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